Wednesday, August 1, 2007

SMILES: exams drawing close!!! closer to my Wii...

Two more weeks to exams... and 4 more weeks to my break!!!

Anyway... lets start from monday...

monday... waking up late is the best... drawing closer and closer to the end of the semester... thats why the lessons cutting short... so sch supposedly begins at 12 but for me, it begins at 2... cause... i went to get my teeth done...

so cut the story short, went to polyclinic, (this time amazed at the number of people there), waited for my number... and went into the ROOM... haha... then as the "operation" was going on, the dentist and the nurse were busy chatting while shining UV rays at the tooth to 'harden' it. quite an experience... the filling was kinda painful.. just a shocking pain.. u know.. anyway.. i assumed that the $100 my dad gave me would not be enough... but lo and behold.. the cost was only $21.50... talk about cheap... and the actual price is $43... halved cause i am a student... haha.. so to celebrate, i bought 4 chocolate donuts and ate all of them on the way to SP!!! LOOL!!! SMILES!!!

so i sat for my test (fluid mechanics).. and thank God... i got 36/40...!!! haha... thanks peps for praying for me... anyway... i then went home, and did the usual... slack till i dropped dead(sleeping)...

Tuesday arrived and i did the most dumb thing in my life.... of this whole semester, classes began at 10am.... but it so happens that tuesday morning, i woke up and thought it would start at 9... sianz... so my dad dropped me of at a bus stop along the way.. and i took 105 to sch.... then i realised my folly when i reached SP.... DIAOZ... so i went to the LT first... then played with the pc and the console there... i found a remote control.. and at the bottom... there was a name: Wii...
DIaoz... cos it looked like the controller of the Wii system... aha... then i played with the laser on that remote... not childish but training... for the wii... ahhaahahha....Then lessons began and i got back my bio test results... 31/40... i was hoping to get more...

anyway.. elijah called me during my break time to ask me how to go to BB hq... and i was pondering whether or not to pon class to follow him.. although i would be meeting him later... so i did... and went with him... at 1pm... only later to find out that the teacher... who was supposed to have lessons at 4.30pm did not arrive... then i was relieved....

so i did follow him down to HQ... playing with my 50mm prime lens the whole time.... then we had to wait at the door step of hq as we were confirming the name to order the name tag from... so we had dessert at the nearby coffeeshop... so we later bought the stuff... and was arguing about where to meet gab... so i said... lets go to beach road, where glow will go to buy the bag, and we did... on the way, we passed by raffles hotel.. and we saw many thai diplomats' cars... then we proceeded to shaw towers to check if they did sell neutral density filters... but they had no stock.. and ordering them would cost me more... so in the end... we went to take a bus to the army market...

on the way... i saw this ad... PEOPLE!!! remind me to take you there to eat!!! its super good!!!

anyway... we made our way down to beach road, only to find out that gab will be late (and his new rented car) we went searching for a place to kill time.. and went to golden mile shopping centre... peps!!! remind me to go there again... the architectural site is good for shooting photos.... and i found out the old cinema place has been turned into a church!! and as i looked at the photos... i saw a familiar face... ezra phuah.... haha... ok.. then it turned abit freaky... as i didnt know that the photos were on a wall next to a lift, and as i turned around...(back facing lift) i heard the lift door open , but i didnt know it was a lift, so i turned around thinking it was the glass panel the photos were in.... and i tio stun... cause a man was right infront of the door.... haha.... so we quickly exited the place... and went to the basement to play pool..oh and i think i owe ek money... anyway.. through out the game, i was constantly interrupted with calls from dan.. haha.... so we ended early to meet gab and his new car...

too bad i didnt take a photo of his car... anway... we first drove gab low to novena mrt station...


dont let elijah koh in the car.... cause on the road, when people cut your lane, he will literally scold them by winding down his window... we were like crying laughing you know what i mean... it was really funny.... so we then dropped glow off before making our way to cineleisure... anyway... we parked at cine and went to lucky plaza to find my ND filter... come to think of it.... now that i see it.. ND looks like XD... haha...anyway... from previous experience, shopping along orchard road can be quite an experience... with all those fed up shop keepers... only those with a good attitude then will get the buyer's attention... of all the shops i visited.. only one was graciously polite, but in the end i didnt get anything... perhaps i would go back to the polite guy's shop...after that, gab wong was lost in the maze... and we had to wait for him... so we then made our way to heeren, and we walked in a fairly straight line, thinking we own the road... haha...

upon reaching heeren, ek had to go back to the car to grab his medicine while dan and i went to draw money... we then met at sakae and went in... we ordered alot... but i guess the only good food was the dessert of watermelon... i didnt have the sesame ice cream... paid $20 for the entire meal... and 'somebody' had to ask the waitress for her number... haha... jk jk... so then we went home, and josh drove the car out of the parking lot... then we hit the cte, and went to pp first.. gab was not concentrating then.. and hit the curb... ouch! if it was my car... i would (fill in the blank for me)

a. cry
b. laugh
c. pray
d. dont care... i am only dreaming...

well... we know what is the ans... anyway.. we gab then dropped ek... then dropped me at AMK hub... where i went to take a bus home... although i side tracked and went to the football shop first... to see when a jersey is coming in... which would be today.... and i did buy it... thats when i realised...

You know MAN U is called the red devils right??? their shirt reflects so... as the code for the shirt colour is 666....

anyway.. i went to buy my fav donuts to find them finished... so i settled for another kind... then went home.... super tired... slept... never even studied for todays test... haha

wed!!! woke up waiting for the naruto 82 to load... and watched it...haha anyway.. i missed quiet time because of that... and rushed off to sch... sch bored me to death... but luckily i had my lappy with me... so i was viewing vids.. so the day passed by and it was my test... happy to say... i went through it with breeze... so then went to AMK hub to get the jersey... which was kinda over budget... oops... then i took a bus home and here i am typing now... gonna do some pull ups before i bathe and work... nights people!!! have a blessed week ahead...!!!

Now waiting for the Lord to pass me my next assignment... haha

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