Sunday, July 29, 2007

Talks of dreams, friends and fillings

And how quick and interesting things were after Thursday night....

let me begin... of the 3 dreams...

rarely have i experienced such dreams.... it was almost sensational... because of the fact that they were life impacting....

the first dream: i lost my left arm in an attack and could not move it, further more, the treatment at the 'hospital' required me to take anesthetics

i tell you... in the morning... i felt that i was drained of my energy, and my left arm could not move for some time...

the second dream: i was studying in some institution and in a few days, i would be going home. during that transition, a man, brought back to my house, where i was completely invisible. i saw my parents eating dinner on a square table, and my mother looked super pale. i touched her hand and it was cold. So when i returned back home, i found my mother on a hospital bed, and she was dead.

I woke up crying.

the third dream: a group of people and i set out to 'bring life' to another country by pouring water onto a basin of grass. (this part becomes super unrealistic, like some fairy tale) we were supposed to pour it at 12. but we poured it late, thinking it would be the same, but instead, a portal opened above the basin and out came a man. this man would be the destroyer of the world. and we tried to stop him, but he was too powerful. so he captured us and made us sit in rows. i was seating in the fourth row. and he said to them, prove that you can make me happy and you will live. so each one in the first row took a turn to say something, and all that displeased the man. so he lifted an empty chair, the only one, in the second row, and slammed it on the floor, saying, the words displeased me and all those in the first two rows die. and poof, they were gone. and it was on the my row.

I then woke up in cold sweat. i just cant help but think... is this not like the situation with the koreans?

anyway.. on to my day...

Friday i could wake up late.. woots!!! i had to go down to TP polyclinic to check my teeth. so i left my house, ard 12. and made my way to the polyclinic... i was surprised to see the place so empty... i tot it was customary to see patients lining up at the gates of the polyclinic.. just like amk.... haha... anyway, i took a lift to the third floor, and signed up. soon, i was called in... there were three people in the room, two ladies and one man... one chinese lady and one indian lady. from the way they interacted with me, i guess the man and the chinese lady were grads and the indian lady was their mentor.. anyway... the chinese lady was kind of cute... haha.. asked me questions as she did her work... lol

anyway.. she put some fluoride paste on my teeth... and it was a total of 12.50... anyway.. the guy was like super sarcastic.. haha... really...

so they told me they should 'op' asap... but i told them monday only... so i would go on 11.40 on monday... haha... missing lessons... lol.. then i went straight to sp to pass my lecturer my 800mb disk with 8 mb of info.... so then went for one hour and a half hour lesson... sianz... even the airconditioner was not working well....

so then i went down to potong pasir, yammy decided to accompany me... on the way.... we stopped at funan mall to have.... roasted hazelnut frappe!!!! shiok!!! haha... then on the way back... i decided to pretend to be a mute guy and use hand languages to 'talk' to yam... using the hp to 'talk' better... thing was... i wanted to see the reaction of people on the bus when i start talking after awhile.. wanted to last till PP station... but... had to pick up glow's call... note: sorry gwong... didnt reply ur call as i wanted to 'last' longer... haha

so then met the guys at kom peng.... and i had yong tau foo soup... nice... then went for p&p... after that, we went home after a quick supper at macs....!!! thanks gwong for the nuggets!! loved them...!!! so took a cab home... was too sleepy to work or anything..

then came sat morning.... i awoke and prep to meet marcus koh... for breakfast... took my stuff and ran out of the door... was late... then met marcus and had hotcakes!!! then chari and gwong and josh came in as international food thieves... obviously wanting to steal my food... but then i used my good looks to fend them off.... jk jk... ahhaahahhaha

then went to sajs to help in the BQ event... i made it through the event smiling ok!!! haha (chipped teeth remember??) so i met a few friends, met eng kiat!!! lol!!! nvm... dunno abt him another time ask me... super nice man...haha.. so tiring going ard to take pics....!!!

so as the day went by, it was 12.40... eng kiat wanted to meet the prev FAA (founders award applicants), which included mok... so i did him a favour and asked mok to come down... but eng kiat was busy in the quiz... so i took the time to chat with mok.. and... this time.... was different from the other times... cause... he was less evasive and the like... and i knew... i'd better take the opportunity, and start afresh...

yup... i guess... it was certainly something good and wonderful to wait for...

Thank you Lord...

so after that, ard 2.30, i made my way down to church and as i reached the doorstep, gwong wanted me to accompany him to fetch miss fan... i dont know whether to be excited or fearful... but thank the Lord again, for i made it back safely... lol

then as i walked in, aunty agnes ( isit correct?) wanted me to help her out in the sat's children ministry... haha... i kindly accepted her offer... even though i wanted to be at service to sing and give the testimonial... anyway... i taught the children how to play the murderer game...then on to lessons... Caleb joined us in the middle to help out... i wonder wats his surname... anyway... the lesson was crazy and out of control at some points... and i admit my job was to control them... but the only thing i did was to stare at them... cause i dunno wat to do mah...chari...your mom is a super pro mom, can control kids...i was kinda pai seh that i stand by do nothing.... haha

anyway... i then went down to service to hear pastor speak the last few words before ending the service... then had to rush down to sas to collect my ball which was stuck along the sloping wall.... had my shoes dirtied and muddified by then... haha... so rushed back to play games and eat the food from the BBQ!!! the otah was really really good!!! then spent the evening playing taboo, eating more food, and killing ants!!!

so after it ended i took a cab back with marcus. we took some fancy cab, a mercedes superior... only 100 cars on the road!!! quite interesting... the driver was another siao type... fast and furious...!!! at least the fare cost $2 each... then i went home, was too tired do anything... bathed then went to sleep...

morning calls and i woke up just in time to wash up, change and go to eat breakfast... had a big breakfast (not literally).... ban mian and chee kui... and then went down to church... met mr ang heng kah and took the prime lens from him!! but later after service i found out that the lens were very hard to use.... very very..

so we stayed back after service to do the hand written bible project... thats when i tried the lens... any way... we completed it, with one line blanko-ed off (mine) and one line skipped (still mine)... and went to eat lunch at the chicken rice stall.... and after that, marcus brought me to see the nearby lan shop with the intention of playing... but i managed to coax him out of playing.... and go home and study....

so i sent him home and went home myself...went to sleep then had kfc dinner... and now i am blogging when i was supposed to study for my test tomorrow which i have not... hope i can do so now...!!! ahah.....

good nights people!!! God bless for the upcoming tests you have this week!!!

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