Friday, July 13, 2007

1+1 equals????

finally the week draws to its close on the longest day yet... thursday... but something special about today... i end class early :))

woke up late... rushed down to sch and had maths first then environmental engineering... after that went to the library to meet ek and jerome... then went to LT 4 for another period of environmental engineering... got my marks back... guess wat... i got 37.5/50 !!! thats 75%!!! A B+!!!
THANK THE LORD!!! but then i fell asleep during the lecture.. :) as usual... but i learnt something interesting... thus today's title...

1 + 1=...... 4

thats right!! it revolutionalizes maths doesnt it??

in which context thus this prove true???

ans tomorrow!!!

then we went up to the com labs to do work before i left sch early... :) cos i was going to watch harry potter( free) with dan, sam and sam's fren... i left at abt 3.45

left for vivo then went in to walk abt... i realized that vivo is actually super big...!!! and i didnt even go to the basement.... then i went to the atrium to take some pics... sorry ah... cant show you now... havent edit yet... go visit my flickr to see in the near future... anyway.. i then met sam at 545 at long john slivers... the movie was starting at 6.30 so its ok... but the thing is.. that at 6.15 dan was still at ang mo kio -_-"""" so sam and his fren went in first while i walked abt taking photos till i was bored and went to play at the arcade.. stage 2 was when i had to put the gun down cos dan reached... at 6.45!!! guess what... we were actually early.... ads only... yeah...

the movie ended around 9 but it wasnt that great i felt... only added to the storyline.... so we left for home and i slept on the way back... 21mins alot of time leh

then i walked home, not knowing that i would walk past a pasa malam, i went to buy my favs!!! siew mai on a stick plus a bowl of shark's fin soup (cheap skate one). haha... so i reached home in the end to chiong my reports to hand in tomorrow... :)

have a great day people!!!

Courage helps you take the first step, its faith that pushes you on.

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