Monday, July 9, 2007

I 'Love' Iguana meat and monday's

Yuck.. iguana meat... what a strange article... don't be surprised if people do eat this sort of thing. anyways... What a strange day it was today... cause its sleep day. not that i spent the whole day sleeping but.... i spent the whole day sleeping in class (ok maybe not the whole day).... lool

YAY, waking up for the last time at 6AM on mondays!!! cos after this day there would not be any more bio prac in the morning.... maybe now can play soccer... but who would give up sleeping till 9??? anyway, school was quite jia lat...lucky i nvr sleep in bio, cos i was handling endotoxins. after the prac i was sleeping through maths class... nvr hear the teacher say anything... then i told my frens that i was too tired to continue on classes... so i went home to sleep.

But worse thing was that even i was not spared going home for sleep... i have like 2 proj in the next 2 days and i have to like worry over all of it.... sian... i dont even have time to pick up my guitar and play... but at least i finished part of my plant design... yay...

then my mom asked me to go buy the printer ink for her.... so i grabbed my cam and went out to shoot/buy stuff and dinner. i kinda got a good shot... will be posting it on flickr and it will be the first of its series, a picture a day:

Above i looked

This shot was taken near marcus' place.... how qiao that as i left his block i saw him... lool.... ok leaving him to go home.... i left and bought myself dinner, hai xian tang jia fan. direct translation: sea food soup add rice. haha my china not that bad ok.

oh well.. here i am typing... having another 2 hrs to go before i sleep... maybe i will do some more work before i go excercise....

oh and another thing.... is anyone interested in joining me to go shop for a wallet tomorrow??? and can anyone tell me the wallet shop outlets???? thnx!!! and no hints pls... haha

the Wise man says: man who closes door on finger gets pain.

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