Thursday, July 12, 2007

when to listen to the lecturer.. and when not

when to listen to the lecturer... hmm i dont know... when he emphasizes that the fouling factor is supposed to be 0.002 instead of 0.02...

Another day another dollar... but that only implies if i am working right???

well... so i guess lets start off the day with something good

I got back my LAV test results today!!! LOOL!!!

Here was my result:

dont you think that this is not bad... err actually it is.. but i was above class average!!! let me explain.... the test was supposed to be 1hr... but the class insisted that it should be another 30 mins cos the whole paper is soo tough!!! well.. at least i got a B!!! Really have to thank God cos that day i was like putting my trust in Him and giving it my all... guess what date... 060707... haha

then i took a bus after school to potong pasir... to meet jon mok... but i was early and decided to go buy bubble tea... on the way saw brannigan and saw that his situation is resolved!!! Praise God!!! so i continued down to the shop.

i saw the most craziest thing at the bt(bubble tea) shop... as i was buying my drink.. a sec 2 or sec 1 dude led a whole bunch of other sec 1s or 2s to the shop... and they were like excited or something... over wat??? a bunch of yu gi oh cards... -_-""""""""

i am like... what the!! have st.andrew's students become this childish??? they even pushed away a lady buying bt... diaoz.... thats right glow... if i were in that sch now i wish i was out... haha... jk jk

so then i met jon mok at the bus stop and headed down to bishan with him... we exchanged the packages that we were to deliver to each other.. i gave him a wallet :) and he gave me his o lvl time table.. so i can keep his exam dates in mind lar... duh...

so then i went home and took a couple of self portraits... wont be posting them now... cos its like 1230 am!!

then went to bishan to meet glow first.... he was supposed to do his homework but then he didnt bring a periodic table and his calculator...-_-" so much for work :)

so we had tacho pachi (isit spelt correctly??) and mango pudding while we waited for jaron to appear... then we went to see the frames... soon after we had dinner at the food court... an all round course of beef noodles!!! sorry charii... makes ur mouth drool doesnt it...? then we had ice kachang which cheated our feelings cos it didnt have enough sugar... really... it wasnt sweet enough... after dinner we went to meet gab wong and had a second dinner of fries at mos burger... then we went to buy the presents... now... we went to some photoshop to develop the photo for the gift... then i met Crystal... my COUSIN. of course the others were huddling around the counter and doing that kind of face when they have not seen girls before that kind... you know... the almost sarcastic coughing and the ahem ahem ahem... then i blatantly introduced them to my cousin like this:

jeremy pan: i would like to introduce you to gabriel (to my cousin)
jeremy pan: i would like to introduce you to my COUSIN (to Gabriel)

and it didnt matter which Gabriel... both acted the same... plz....

after that i asked them if she was good looking and they all said yes....

Runs in the family... i know i know... i see it in the mirror eveyday

in the end i walked to near mok's house there to take bus cos i was holding my fav from coffee bean, mocha latte. and it was pretty good maybe cos it was a cold evening .... then i went home to do my design work and here is the subject of today:

now... here me out... i spent 2 hrs figuring how to evaluate an equipment area that is like this:

req area: 2000ft2
calculated area: 1400ft2

now.... no matter what values i changed (the ones that i was aware of) i still couldnt get the final ans.... THEN I SAW the diff... 0.02 and 0.002... -_-"""" i am like this <------- ok...? cos of one number i had to confuse myself... haiz!!!! ok at least now i am done.... haha... kk... nights ppl!!! going to watch free movie tomorrow!!! loolS!!!

I take photographs with a camera to teach people how to see without a camera

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