Saturday, July 14, 2007

résultats, nourriture et adieux

Results, food and goodbyes...

Ans to my trivia on the 12/07/07

1+1 = 4 when

1 db + 1 db= 4 db

synergy occurs when two sources of sound emitting the same db (loudness). both will add 3 db to one... meaning... that 2 db + 2db = 5 db (2db + 3db)

haha... ok enough with this stupid quiz... on to my day....

Haiz... had only 5 hrs of sleep last night... so i woke up tired and not in the mood.... somemore... when i went for practical, the teacher appointed me leader... and was like kinda sarcastic towards me.... so i was quite put off... well...something interesting happened... the title for this part: how to cool a thermal reactor

1) Fan it

2) Blow it

of course blowing was the one where i ran out of breath first... so fanning worked the best...

my mood improved after i met yammy in the library... haha.... then went for GEMs... today for GEMs we had to take shots of a model... then find a way to get rid of the red colour due to the umbrella.... next week we are going to go through the B&W slides... hope i can get ready by then...

then i went for Chem react lecture. the lecturer gave out our test papers... see wat i got :) B+ leh... not bad la... but still i need to improve on my work:

well... thanks to God i would then be able to get these marks :)

so after that... i rushed down to meet charii at the mrt station. we then took a train down to PP. I first went to macs to meet gab low and the rest. then went to SAS to see the BB boys clear up the store room... sorry peps... cant help you... i cant get myself to work cos i am like busy and flustered..

but then i met marcus koh... and right after we played soccer :) talk abt not wanting to do storeroom cleaning... then we left SAS with my boots in one hand and shorts in the other... although one of marcus' crazy fren grabbed my pants and placed it on top of a sign -_-""" childish right???

then we went to macs... had a drink... before i 'sent' him home... met with marcus ng right after... and then we went straight to steph's place. we had a fun time there... lots of food...!!! i liked the honey dew sago :P ...then we had a combine cell and for games... we played some murderer game where i was murderer twice!!! woots!! killed alot of people :)

for sharing: read

Ecc 4:1-12
1 Cor 4:14

so we then shared our week in the end... kai xiang was kinda late so he left first during that time... and then we ended with a mass photo session!!! i only have the me with steph pic ... the rest with joshua and steph i think.... :

after that... we packed most of the food and left the place with good byes.. then took a taxi back to serangoon paid by the dear mr gab wong.... now... the thing is... the taxi driver i guess was trying to literally drive us to our graves... traveled at an max of 100 km/hr on braddell road.... i was concerned not only about the centrifugal force that acted on my camera... but also for my life... i gripped the chair like my life depended on it... haha....

So here i am, clean and fresh and blogging!!! visit my flickr acct tomorrow... will get my pics up by then...!!!

Every trial is made to strengthen us!!! Have faith my brothers!!! Press on till we see the end!!!

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