Sunday, July 8, 2007

And so the it begins... the days past the reconciliation

Ah the awaited day, from which a new path begins. thinking about it... i should have blogged yesterday... but was at Pastor Ben's house so I guess its better today.

Days past reconciliation??? What does that mean...? Well... today begins the day past 070707, which was indeed another life changing experience.... lool. But that day ends the previous chapter and now on to the next chapter.

Youth Sunday!!! my first day and it was spectacular...want to know why??? cause I was in back-up!!! woots!!! The day began regularly, cooked my 'famous' eggy in the basket for 7 people. first time sia... and they said it was nice. so after that got changed and went to church, once i reached i styled my hair in the toilet... although i got Gab low to push it down afterwords... then went up to prac.. although we were late... then it was really cool lor... to stand infront of the multitude... reminds me of a song: Lord i stand in the multitude, of people from every tribe and tounge." haha. anyway service was good with Pastor Ben giving the sermon. kinda funny. anyway... when service ended, gab low and i went to change.. unknowingly, the girls left before we came out and gab wong was like blowing his top (hair) lool. so we rushed to catch a cab. on the way there i composed this song with the tune of "i will follow you"

I will follow you
Follow you when you go to toa payoh
There isnt a bus ride i can catch
No taxi fare so high it can keep
Keep me away
Away from Pizza hut

And so on... luckily we got kai xiang to join us. Cause he is usually quiet and all.... anyways... he offered to pay for the taxi fare... which i refuse lar.. of course... i made them late... (1) and so we reached tp. Now the tp pizza hut like has the 'worse service' around... cause we ordered the food and like they certainly took their time to bring it to us. cause the appetizer was served after the main course -_-". Luckily for them, my 'pissed' side was not available at the moment.... so count themselves lucky.

anyway... we left the pizza hut confused with the bill... cause of the poor management... but the best thing was that Pastor Ben paid for the meal! lets count... kx, jaron, dan, marcus, me, glow, sus,amy, charissa, pastor ben, rena, chari Fan, (i forgot the name), cambridge guy ( i also forgot, cause someone intro so fast and also intro me last), ernest and gab wong. hmmm... thats 16 of us!!!! Note to self: Dont sleep over again unless super important. cause i will waste his electricity bill. anyway... we left the place and there i recieved my 4th lesson about girls.

Crash course on Girls for dummies:

Girls have the explosive HI factor.

hat am i talking about???

Give you today's example. Charissa Fan met fren 1: screams 'ahh' met fren HI HI *hugs*
Charissa Fan met fren 2: (in the middle of the road) screams 'ahhhhh' met frenHI HI HI *more hugs*

hmmmm interesting thing to note.. girls have almost and endless supply of conversational topics... cause guys will do this: Jeremy Pan met fren: Yo dude... wats up... hows life/school

thats all.

Now Marcus was being his usual self when he was disturbing me and kai xiang actually stood up for me *impressed*. really... i tot to myself wat was going on (2) Being the psychologist me intends to pursue this fact and maybe get him to join us more :)

And i bought choc donut with sprinkles on top!!! very nice... gave one to marcus and we went home.... taking 73. Reached home tired although i had like proj to complete... haiz.... and finished all of them... taking breaks in between. (30 mins sleep) haha. Then through 'provocation' i finally posted my second blog in 9 months... WOOTs!!! So it begins....

When satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.

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