Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Take me to the wallet shop

I take you to the wallet shop
I'll let you pick the wallet top
Go 'head man, don't you stop

Keep shoppin 'til you bought the lot (woah)

Lools everyone!!! got my new wallet...!!! lets start today off shall we???

What a normal day at school.. really.... boring to the max.... but at least i woke up late :)

Well the only thing notable was that i spent the time in the lecture room watching two vids... Beat it by Michael jackson and the other was its spoof eat it. then the lecture began.. well actually not the lecture but was a presentation... and it ended pretty late thats why i couldnt meet chari so early... sorry bout that.

she was doing work at the bus stop so we took a bus down to suntec city... had to change bus on the way cos we took wrong one.... anyway we then took bus 106 and i tell you something... 3 girls in yellow boarded the bus and started to stink up the bus... really... if you dont believe ask chari... anyways i took a pic...

the three in yellow

i guess this will be my pic of the day!!! they really stank and i had to hold my breath for the next half of the ride till they got of at douby gaut. haha i know i am bad....

then we got off at suntec city and walked to marina square to eat first... we wanted to find BK but chari led both of us to some other side of marina square... and marina square was nearly devoid of life.. probably cos it is a weekday... maybe???

Anyway we had lunch at Bk... initially.. i suggested food court but chari wanted bk cos cheaper... but in the end i spent $8.60... sian... talk abt cheaper... but at least that would be my linner... i shall now post a trivia question:

What is something which you would do everyday???

A) Play soccer
B) Sleep
C) Fire a biological weapon (i would if i could)
D) Go to the toilet

well put yourself in my position and think wat would i do after having lunch... i did that even though Chari took a while to figure out... So we made our way to the wallet shop... after spending ages looking for a wallet... i finally found one!! quite cheap... only $33 i think... cos i bought another one and the total was on the reciept and not separate... hmms... why another one??? buying for fren ma.... then.... dont ask me who getting...

so we headed to tony rogers/kenny roma to get my mac and cheese.... then went straight to the mrt station to bounce home... haha... aiya... take train to marina bay instead of straight to amk lors.... nothing much after that lars... nearly slept on the bus back home though... i tot i missed my stop..haha

reached home, bathe then went to tutor my sis... haizz... hope i can finish my work tonight.... got a lot to cover...

Anyways... dont forget to visit my flickr!!! got some new photos!!!

I am dripping MYUK attitude
taken from wallet top

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