Sunday, July 22, 2007

one after another

woah... i am super tired sia... didnt blog for a few days... got to rest cause everyday so busy... well at least now i am blogging... right... dont say i am lazy

lets start with fri cos all my other days not so exciting....

well... fri was a mark of a day... cos it marked the first day where we can go to sch on fridays at 1pm... haha... last prac and last tutorial... woots!!! well... i then went to the LT4 for "slacking" time... in the end, i pon gems as i watched transformers which my friend loaded onto the screen... lol... super cool lar... i actually pon gems just to watch a 3rd grade movie...(3rd grade as in video quality) so then after lessons at 4.30, i rushed home, grabbed my stuff before heading down to pp.

then i had beef fried rice for dinner... then we went to fabian's house... on the way... we met....joel lim, my junior from BB, now attending SAJC. haha... nice to see him again.... lol... then we went to fabian's house.

Josiah and herman joined us abit later... and we played the blinking game... haha.... super nice... then we had devotion and stuff... and cell ended... so we made our way to pastor ben's house... to celebrate a small version of rena's b dae... nice... had cake then went home... on the way home, we took bus 853 and met gideon... but that was not all... there was this crazy lady on the bus.. being racist to herself... i didnt know what to do at that time... but on the way off the bus, i took extra caution to not bang into her... when i reached home...its off to sleep... ZZZZ

so then came sat... woke up at 6 just to catch a cab with gab... we stopped at the coffee shop opposite the temple and then i kana stomach ache.. jia lat... but it was not so bad and i didnt have to go to the toilet... so we walked to sch... and i went to pass the ball to marcus koh...

so after the briefing we went up the bus, and as usual... i'd be singing all the way... lol... then we reached jun yuan pri sch.. and the event took way... super long but i will post the pics in my flickr so you all can see... the highlight of the entire event, (to me) was the new kangaroo jumping.... haha... go see my flickr then u will know...

So after it ended we went back to sch... and in the rain, i tried on my new boots and played soccer with marcus koh and a dhiren and dariel handy....

then we went for lunch at the chicken rice store with elijah... and after that i went to kfc to meet the guys before we went to church.. i had to detour... to fetch gab wong to sas since it was raining... so there i was ... at sas on a sat... and guess what... its founder's day. and i met the most unexpected person there... matthew lin... who went overseas for 4 years and now he is back to go for ns... lol... haha... had a fun 10 mins before being fetched by charissa to go for a meeting to go for youth. yup... i guess it was the highlight of the day... cause now that everything has been made clear.. its gonna start things up...

So after that... we prac-ed for worship... and the thing is... i felt super tired... just before the worship started... but during worship... i somehow felt full of energy!!! Yay!!! cause after service, i became tired again... oh then we had dinner at the chicken rice stall.. then me dan jaron gab went to pastor ben's home. we played muchin bites... lol... funny game... i ended with a level 5 only...-_-

so then after that i went home, prep-ed the remaining items for sunday... and went to sleep...

today... woke up, and went for breakfast at the noodle store... at least was not so chao ta today.. haha... very good!!! then we went to church but my dad said that there was still more time left... so we went to drive round private estates to view the houses... that took up 5 mins before we went to church... when we reached... we saw a filming take place... but strange thing was... even though its shot at SAJC, the students were in a light green uniform... -_-???? huh... where's the logic... anyway.... be sure to catch it... its some old chinese actor... i forgot the name le... haha... so then we went up for service...

i think it was quite direct today's sermon:" following jesus: how much does it cost"

really... it was....

then we went down to the street soccer court to wait for kx marcus and his fren... eugene

thats where i chipped my tooth...

yucks now cant smile

haha... aint i self conscious... anyway... then we headed down to bishan street 22... to the field!!!
so we practiced abit before the other church (HT) came down... then it began... and i remembered how tough it was to play field... haha... so i switched from def to mid then to keeper and i stayed keeper till after the game... i let in the last goal -_-... so after that, we took a group photo before slacking around for awhile before going home... marcus and i walked all the way to the road to take a bus... and there i was, dirtied from all the diving, without changing... and going home on 156... and i came back, dumped all my stuff in the toilet, before sleeping... haha... and that ends my day...

you know... just now.... before i began typing, i was quite confused really... i just dont know why it is all like that... rationalism for whats going on is completely blurred... i just cant see whats happening... cause... i want to rest... i just want to take a break... its super demanding... just pray that i can hope in the Lord...

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