Sunday, July 15, 2007

And the chapter reaches its prime....

first of all... let me say that yesterday i was too "down" to blog, so i did not... and secondly.. there are no pics today... haiz...

anyway... lemme start my day... first i woke up at 9... first thing was to find out that marcus called me at 1.15 am in the morning -_-""then i tot that my parents were going to church too.. but they were going to watch a movie... so i had to go myself.... but before i did.. i played fifa while my sis' 'boyfren' watched... kinda awkward... very!!

so then i went on my way to potong pasir initially to have breakfast at macs... i miss the hotcakes!! but in the end went to the coffee shop outside SAJC to have breakfast... then we had to rush to church cos we had to help gab wong move the tables... after doing so... we went up to the main service...

but the thing is... i was not in the mood.. as in... my heart was troubled by something... and worshiping in that mood was very bad... cos i could not "sing my heart out" if you know what i mean... then also the sermon was kinda boring, cos maybe i could not feel what God had to say for me then cos of my burdens... :( anyway...

well... after service... the whole lot of us... dan, jaron, kx, marcus, glow, gwong, steph and myself went to play soccer at the street soccer court...!!! excluding steph.. who took photos... but the thing was that i ended up with blisters the whole day... very irritating...

so after the game we immediately went for lunch... to cineleisure... on the way there some issues happened... and had to solve it... thats where my title comes in to play.. cos maybe thats what i was supposed to do :P solve problems and be an ear to the burdened.... haha maybe i should talk to myself.. ^^ now that is nonsensical...

then we ate at BK... then went to play pool.. but thing is... the place only allowed people of ages 16 and above to enter... !!! so we couldnt cos of jaron, kai xiang and marcus... cos they looked like kids... lol... who does not agree??? so in the end we had to settle for the arcade... and we discovered a new game there... air hockey!!! which is very very nice cos after 3 rounds... i began to perspire... cos it was challenging and fun!!!

then we went home after that... took a train and bus with marcus all the way back to his place... and i went home... played some fifa... before i began my 'training' on my deagle!!! i love it!!! then went to meet marcus cos we were going to go to the pasa malam!!! i was craving for siew mai and fake sharks fin

i went to his place and it was the first time i met his bro... and i went in for a brief period of time.... the place was fully air conditioned and it was kinda exquisite... cos there were paintings and things that were 'eye candy' to people who like going to museums... what kind of people do you call that???

anyway... i had my favs including a ramlee burger!!! on the way back we went to the CC and i didnt know that there was a gym there!!! cool... can go sign up!!! so i sent marcus back... and went home... while dealing with my blisters... woots!!! finally can sleep late... cos tomorrow i start at 12!!! yay!!! then now i am blogging lors...!!! haha... nights people!!!

This song is now one of my favs!!!

Pour my love on You

I dont know how to say exactly how i feel

And i cant begin to tell you what your love has meant

I'm lost for words

Is there a way to show the passion in my heart

Can i express how truly great i think you are

You're my dearest friend

Lord this is my desire to pour my love on you


Like oil upon your feet

Like wine for you to drink

Like water from my heart

I pour my love on you

If praise is like perfume

I lavish mine on you

Till every drop is gone

I pour my love on you

Nights people!!!

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