Tuesday, July 17, 2007

dunked in, spun round and thrown out

Woah.... havent been putting up any pics recently... must constantly remind myself...

anyway... i didnt blog for mon so i shall begin there....

yays.... people say they hate mondays... but i love them.. cos now i get to wake up late!!! school starts at 12... so i carefully took my time... almost wanting to be late... haha.... oh and congrats to gab wong... cos he passed his driving test!!! woots!!! now can have free rides :) haha... ok so i had classes and it ended at 5... then rushed down to bishan to meet my mom to have dinner.. and she transfered $120 for my boots!!! yay.. on to that later... well then i had yakitory and tako pachi (prawn) which i took... mmmmm

then got home at 7pm ... thing is... marcus called me out to play badminton.. lol... i know... i still got my blister... went out to meet him anyways... but found out that the badminton courts were full.. so we had to settle for soccer.... haha.... then i treated him to a drink from 7-11... anyway... got back around 9.45, went to bathe, then went to do some work... before heading into bed...

now on to today... why the title??? cos i have been in a rollercoaster ride for the past 1 year.... and it wasnt entertaining at all... but now... its time to get off the ride... and let it smother down awhile.... pray for me people.. cos i am going to enter a transition from uncertainness to peace... and i pray that it will be better after all this :) <--- see i tried to smile....

anyway... today was a typical day... went to school... on the way talking to rena.... and she helped me alot... realizing things that i could not see by myself... woots.. at least the day was cooling... cos it rained... then i had lessons till 5... really tiring.... but next week classes end at 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats good right??? gelares anyone?? haha.... so then i had to rush down to queensway to meet gab wong, gab low and kai xiang... when i met them... they had already gotten their boots... and pardon me gabriel wong, but EXCUSE ME... thats my shoe design!!! i actually wanted that model... but someone had to buy it.... luckily... thats the cheaper version.. i bought the exp one :)...

so then we took a cab down to the airport after browsing through 3 fuel kiosks just to find a probation plate... for gwong of course.... on the way we experienced a strawberry jam... very sweet and sticky..... costed gab wong the fare of 20 dollars... but in the end we met steph before she boarded and we said our goodbyes before she came back in dec.... then after we went to eat at popeyes... yup... delicious... haha very filling and good...mmmmm

then took the church car all the way back.... reached home at ard 9 before i began work and typed this blog entry... so goodnights people!!! but before i go, something to remind my self of today:

Remember the phrase: there are things in this world we must learn to let go of??

It is time to do so... but remember jeremy, it is not gone forever and it will come back... once all this is over... you can start again... with God's help...

And so again.... i begin my countdown again... till after O levels...

I dont care what the future is, cause i know God's holding it

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