Thursday, July 26, 2007


ok.... its kinda interesting... cos it happened at the right time at the right place.... lol... time to speak of the days...

and so the story continues on.... after the soccer match....

My body ached alot after the match... couldn't go for the pre-posed jogging... cause my body was like dying.. haha... i am exaggerating.. anyways.. on tues, i had only 2 hours of lecture (including an hour of test) and an hour of break... 10-1... haha... then went down to orchard and started to take pics for my photojournalism topic... got a few interesting ones.. go see my flickr soon.. anyway... then i went to meet gab low at ps to wait for chari... i was at the arcade playing time crisis... i was kinda weak then... cos i spent 2 credits before going to stage 3 -_-

so then we went to some jap store... cool place... got a lot of stuff i would like to buy... haha... so then i recieved the call from chari and proceeded to gelare... then met her... on the way going up the escalator...

wow... interesting food there.... haha... ate till i was full.... a large waffle with two scoops of eye-cream... then had trouble sorting the cash... so then we went to b2 to eat british road side food...wats the store name again?? glow and i bought the cheese sausage while chari bought the fried mars bar... talk about cholesterol... haha... sorry.... :)

then we met gab wong and glow and chari left for home while gab and i went to BB hq... so we took 16 and rode there..... then at the BB hq was where we met elijah... bought our stuff... and headed down to park mall's sake sushi... haha... cos i cant help thinking about abel ho's funny pic... anyway... we actually went to the one at ps first.. to see if there was dinner buffet... but there wasnt and the lady referred us to the one at Park mall... but there price there was $20 ++++++++++ haha... got to emphasize the 7% GST... anyway... we ate till we nearly exploded... haha... alot of food.... then went home via bus 162... all the way to bishan...

ok... so i did go to mok's house.... to pass him some stuff to pass to mr lim.... but i assure you all... i just passed the stuff and left k? nvr said another word to him... probably cause i was shielding my mouth... haha.... so in the end i left and went home....

WEd... ah.... another short day... it went pass smoothly and i managed to go to the Dental health centre ard 1.15... spend my 15 mins there knowing that if i go to a polyclinic with a dentist and if they refer me to the centre, it will be cheaper, and spending the next 5 mins looking for a toilet... so i managed to leave ard 1.30...

haiz.... another tango with reality.... cause i realised it was about time sch ended for jon.. so i went down to PP to change bus... i literally waited... but at the same time... i was contemplating on whether to follow him to bishan... as i normally would... or go straight home... then i told my self... nah... i shouldnt, at the exact time, bus 13 heading for bishan came... and jon mok was walking towards it.... awkwardness for me... really.. i ended up taking 853 home...

so that ends wed.... then thursday.. ah... interesting....

super long day today... which idiot mentioned to start class at 9 when we can start it at 10... that wasted 1 hr of my sleep.... spent the whole day trying to figure out how to connect to the internet(wireless) and interesting thing about lectures was that... i learnt to play com games with my feet... YUP.... now my friends dont dare touch my keyboard... LOL

so after sch... i rushed home immediately... cause i realised i do not have enough pics for my assignment yet... grabbed my cam and tripod, and rushed down to orchard... to take night pics... ok... the ride was long... and i felt confused and perplexed at what i was going through...

I am young you know... coming to 18 soon... and i feel that i am put through alot liaoz....

haiz... so spent the night moody lors... went ard to take pics... while on my phone with talking out my troubles... haiz... felt better ms lee... thanks... :)

so after that... i went to food republic to have dinner... beef noodles!!! yay... perked my night up!!! felt quite lonely though... haha..... no one pei wo... so after that i left to take 105 home... long ride i tell you... after i got back.. i went to bathe....

Now... interestingness comes in:

i was still wondering and asking God, how come you dont tell me what to do? then i looked ard my room and took the daily bread in my hand and said: why not show me your will through the wisdom You have filled in this daily bread?

Interestingly, a page was broken and fell out... it was supposed to be for sunday... but i supposed i needed it...

God's delays....

the last part is significant...

So take heart! If God's answer tarries(delays), "wait for it; because it will surely come."

interesting huh??? and so i shared it with chari.. and she was like woah... but thats not all....

i always like to tear out pages from the daily bread if its interesting... and the reason why the page came off.. was because i teared the page connected to it... on which day???

July 6th/7th


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